Painting Valerie Campos Painting Valerie Campos

Jesús Lugo: Imaginary museum

There is no doubt about it: there is something obsessive about the work of Jesús Lugo. If not, how could we explain the almost infinite number (limited only by the frame of the painting) of varied characters that animate most of his canvases?

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Valerie Campos Valerie Campos

Yolanda Mora: In mars, the invention

As Yolanda Mora paints, this artist in love with freedom lets her inner self dictate a rhythm she consciously rejects but that would be difficult to deny in her finished work.

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Valerie Campos Valerie Campos

Endy Hupperich: 3 X Blue, Thin Opera

Endy Hupperich has lived in Mexico since 1992. He was influenced by the '80s (culminating in the fall of the Berlin Wall), the influential artistic movements of the era, and the global tendency of Neo-expressionism known as the Transavantgarde.

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Valerie Campos Valerie Campos

Valerie Campos: Evocations and Resonances

The first thing revealed to the observer who contemplates the series Resonances from Valerie Campos is a formal parti pris through which the artist has decided to distort geometrically the immediate reality of the depicted space.

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