Endy Hupperich: 3 X Blue, Thin Opera
Endy Hupperich has lived in Mexico since 1992. He was influenced by the '80s (culminating in the fall of the Berlin Wall), the influential artistic movements of the era, and the global tendency of Neo-expressionism known as the Transavantgarde. His versatility and vast technical experimentation enable him to painstakingly transcribe connections that amplify the distortions and insinuations of the language of his medium, creating a type of painting that escapes easy categorization.
Running against the fashions and caprices of the art market and the monotonous rhetoric regarding the end of painting, Endy Hupperich is skeptical of pretentiously pure or non-referential languages.
A collector and manipulator of images, he uses any medium to express his reflections on the absurd, the ironic, the popular, and the cultured, presenting a sharp critique of consumption and conventional distinctions between high and low culture. His eclectic use of media and his singular sense of humor superimpose a series of non-stereotypical iconographies: symbols of the nostalgia of unrecognizable advertising that one can appreciate on the streets of Mexico City. These pastiches give the appearance of a cheap publicity ad among splashes of expressionism and hand-sewn fabrics that have been joined to pieces of linens weighed down by heavy layers of paint. They represent a sum of contradictory gestures: anti-shapes, rhythms, a mixture of vibrant colors juxtaposed within a figurative style that opposes abstraction.
It is here that negation and contradiction commit to playing a game of soccer to form a link between chance and decision, because what is objective is lost, while confusion reestablishes itself—reminding us that without style and without content, painting is no more than paint.
Valerie Campos, Marzo 9, 2021