Endy Hupperich
An artist who swims against the current, who shuns pure language and categorizations. With his skill at manipulating images and a collector’s dedication, he explores the absurd, the ironic, and the popular without softening his message or his critique of consumption, of the false dichotomy between high and low culture.
Three for Blue, Thin Opera
by Valerie Campos (march, 2021)
Living in Mexico since 1992 and influenced by the decade of the eighties that culminated in the fall of the wall of Berlin, the artistic movements of the time and the global tendency to neoexpressionism known as transvanguard, his versality and vast technical experimentation allow him to transcribe laboriously nets that amplify the distortions and insinuations of the media language by generating a type of painting that escapes any categorization.
Going at countercurrent of fashion and against the caprices imposed by the art market as well as the monotonous rhetoric on the end of painting, Endy Hupperich, shows his skepticism toward languages pretentiously pure or non-referential.